This is the advanced version of the neck retraction, aimed at strengthening the deep neck flexors, which helps with forward head posture. I recommend doing this several times per day, holding for 10 to 15 seconds to begin and work your way up to 20 30 seconds per hold.
So this is an advanced version of the neck retraction that’s responsible for working on the muscular strength that helps us counterbalance this forward head position that a lot of us find ourselves in throughout the day. The the beginner neck retraction – you’d either use a head a headrest of a vehicle or a wall is just taking your chin and driving it straight back and down into the headrest (or a wall) and it’s this direction – retraction not this direction – extension so you want to be retracting to work on those muscles. Now this advanced version you use your body weight with a wall so I take my head against the wall and i retract back and down but as I do that I’m actually pulling my shoulders off the wall so there’s a gap here between the wall and my back the only thing touching right now is the back of my head into the wall and I hold that for about 10 to 15 seconds driving my chin back and down and then relax. So just a note, I’m not extending my head into the wall I’m retracting my neck and my whole head is pushing my body and my shoulder blades off the wall. So i’m just a little off the wall here keeping my my body in a straight line driving my chin back and down and holding this position. This is quite a bit of work. I would recommend only starting with about 10 to 15 seconds to begin and work your way up to 20 30 seconds or so, and that’ll help really activate the deep neck flexors.